sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

Quiz Time! Again? Hell Yeah!

Mda, m-am intors de la tara si am un chef nebun de a posta rezultatele mele la Quizuri de pe Blogthings.
M-am decis sa fac quizuri care au ca tema(mda, cred ca stiti deja): Vara
So, fara alte introduceri, here we go:

Your Summer Sense is Taste

During the summer, you want to enjoy the best foods and drinks. And who can blame you?

From burgers on the grill to lemonade to ice cream - there's a lot to be enjoyed.

No doubt about it - you are a total foodie, and even a bit of a hedonist.

And given all of the fresh food in the summer, it's the perfect time of year to eat!

Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible

Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.

You love your summers to be full of style and sun!

You Should Spend Your Summer in Europe

You're in to almost all forms of culture - art, music, architecture, food...

And spending a summer at the beach sounds pretty darn boring to you.

So head off to Europe, where you can have your tiramisu (and even eat it on the beach!)

Chiar acolo o sa imi petrec vara. In cea mai naspa tara din Europa:))

Your Summer Love Type is Playful

You're smart enough to know that summer isn't the time to be serious.

You plan to keep it light this summer - casual, flirty, and fun.

Getting wrapped up in anyone person is not in the cards for you.

Just be careful that someone doesn't get too into you!

You Are a String Bikini

You're confident, bold, and sexy.

No one has to tell you - you know you look damn good!

You Are Very Passionate

You tend to be a very social person. You live for your friends and family. You can get social burnout occasionally though. You aren't a total extrovert.

You fall in love with ease and confidence. Even if you've had bad experiences in the past, each new love is a reason to start completely over.

You are a passionate person. You are free wheeling, fun loving, and ruled by your emotions.

Your sense of humor is goofy and silly. You are good at making almost anyone laugh.

Your Sunglasses Say You're a Leader

You are competent, direct, and powerful.

You are focused on success in all aspects of your life.

You need to be shaded from moochers and parasitic people.

You feel sunniest when you're around people as driven and and brilliant as you are.

Gata. Bye. Pa.

duminică, 13 iunie 2010

Quiz Time! Adu popcornu', bitch!

M-am gandit sa imi 'infrumusetez' blogul prin cateva quizuri:>
Oh, da. (ps: sunt luate de pe blogthings, pentru cei interesati^^)

Your Nail Polish Color is Magenta

How you're unique: You're confident - and you show everyone the true you

Why your style rocks: You have the attitude to carry the most outrageous outfits off

What this color says about you: "Look at me. I know you want to!"

Your Psyche is Yellow

You have a ton of energy - both physical and mental endurance.

You are rational and logical, and you can help almost anyone think clearly.

Optimistic and bright, you also have a secret side that's a little darker.

When you are too yellow: You will do anything to get your way, and no one will be the wiser

When you don't have enough yellow: you lack confidence, drive, and humor

You Are An Independent Artist

You're the type of artist who likes to take risks. For you, art is all about experimenting.

You tend to push the envelope. Your art has as many critics as it does fans.

You feel like no one truly understands your art or your vision. No matter what, you remain true to yourself.

You are resilient. Being an artist is challenging, but you won't ever stop creating.

You Are Charming and Energetic

You are a cheerful, funny person. You are in love with the whole world.

You are spontaneous and enthusiastic. You're up for anything, especially adventure!

You are outrageous and sometimes even shocking. You can't help it... you're just being yourself.

You are curious about everything and have many interests. If something interests you, you investigate it.

Your Name Comes from Mars

You have a lot of fire in your heart, and you are highly competitive as a result.

You need to stay active and productive to be happy. You like to depend on yourself and yourself alone.

You can be jealous at times, and you don't trust others easily. You've been burned in the past, and you still feel it.

You tend to overwhelm people at first. You put it all out there, and your personality is a bit intimidating.

Siii`ii, atat. Hugs from Sissi

sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010

OMG! 100% tru.

Azi m-am apucat să bântui Twitterul. Zis şi făcut. Încep să mă uit ce retweetuieste lumea asta nebună, când văd un tweet care sună cam aşa ceva:
"@omgfacts! Antidaephobia rocks:))(lol)"
Hai mă că sună tare Antidaephobia. Dar ce este? That is the question! Ca mare pisică[,] curioasă ce sunt, am clickiăt pe contul celor de la OMGfacts. După ce am citit câteva tweeturi am rămas O.O. Despre ce e vorba? E un fel de 'Stiati că....?', dar sunt mai weird. Prima oară când citeşti te umflă râsul, iar după-aia rămâi: "Bă, asta chiar e adevărat, dăăăăh." Vă dau câteva exemple de pe omgfacts:
Swearing when you're hurt helps reduce pain.-atunci eu nu o sa simt nimic cand ma doare ceva:))
"Dumbledore" means "bumblebee". -rofl
Sir Isaac Newton spoke only once during his term in Parliament; he asked for someone to close a window. -lol.

Mosquitoes can fly through rain drops with out getting hit-cul.

On the 10-piece Chicken MgNugget box for McDonalds, there is a picture of 11 McNuggets.-lol again.

The longest movie ever made is The Cure for Insomnia, lasting 5220 minutes (that's 87 hours long!) - tre' sa fii prost sa te uiti la asa ceva o.o

Seven is the only number (integer, technically) between 1-10 that has two syllables.- in engleza, da. In romana, nu.

In 1898, 14 years before the Titanic sank, Morgan Robertson wrote a book about a ship called the "Titan" that crashed into an iceberg and sank. -OMG!

Tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits, not vegetables. -faza cu rosia stiam, dar castravetele...OMG!

Angel Falls in Venezuela is so high that the water often evaporates before it can land. - o.o O.o O.O

The "turritopsis nutricula" can LIVE FOREVER. It's also known as the "immortal" jellyfish. -WOW.

Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, suffered from a rare neurological disorder that caused strange hallucinations. The disease was later named after him - Alice in Wonderland Syndrome- Cul.omg. wow.

If you type "James Bond" into Google Translate and have it translated to Standard Chinese, it will translate to "007"- O sa incerc mai tarziu:))

LOL isn't just laugh out loud. LOL is also "fun" in Dutch- atunci mie imi place lol-ul:))

As a punishment for misbehavior, Thai cops have to wear pink Hello Kitty armbands-=))=))

Cred ca ajunge:)) Mai mult pe http://www.omg-facts.com/

Byeeeee, Sissi

vineri, 11 iunie 2010

Just smoke one cigarette and run

Azi dimineaţă înainte să mă duc la şcoală, în timp ce îmi savuram micul dejun(a.k.a Cookie Crips cu lapte) am pus pe Utv. Am o manie de a mă uita la videoclipuri dimineaţă. Când pun pe U, ghici ce melodie merge :

Yep, aţi văzut bine. Lady Gaga is back cu un nou video! Ştiam că ăsta va fi următorul, dar nu mă aşteptăm să fie atât de repede difuzat şi în România(de obicei se difuzează după.....3 săptămâni). Bravo Utv, respect(se mai gândesc ăştia că mai exsista lume fără net).
Acum ar trebui să spun ce cred despre video, right? Păăăi, here we go:
1. Melodia îmi place. Şi povestea. De obicei melodiile lu' tanti Gaga îmi plac.
2. Videoclipul e prea....nu ştiu. Parcă ea e regina bărbaţilor, toţi bărbaţii pe ea. Mă rog, cred că aţi înţeles ideea.
3. E anti-religios rău.(Pe pariu că o să între într-un scandal?) I mean, într-o fază e o orgie, după-aia înghite un rozal şi după-aia se îmbrăca în călugăriţă(sau cum naiba, mă rog avea cruci roşii pe ea) şi dansează...aham...sexi cu bărbaţii aia. Parcă văd cum Vaticanul şi Mtv-ul interzice clipul(cum 'cică' s-a întâmplat şi cu Telephone)
Ca să închei postul, mai spun ceva despre video. Ce? Că o imită pe Madonna. Cum? Face un videoclip 'religios' să zic aşa, şi bum-bum, scandal, tot tacâmul şi aşa devine mai faimoasă. În plus, la câte videoclipuri crazy a făcut, e normal că a rămas în pană de idei:)) Şi ce faci când nu mai ai nici o idee strălucită? Simplu, o imiţi pe Madonna!
Şi ca să închei şi mai drăguţ postul, pun şi versurile^^:
I know that we are young,
And I know that you may love me,
But I just can't be with you like this anymore,

She's got both hands
In her pocket
And she wont look at you
Won't look you at
She hides through love
En su bolsillo
She got a halo around her finger
Around you

You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing to loose

Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando

Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette and run
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto

Ale-ale-jandro) x2

(Just stop
Please, Just let me go Alejandro, Just let me go)

She's not broken
She's just a baby
But her boyfriend's like a dad, just like a dad
Draw those flames that burn before him
Now he's gonna find a fight, gonna fool the bad

You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing loose

Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando

Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette and run
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto

Ale-ale-jandro) x2

Dont bother me,
Dont bother me, Alejandro
Dont call my name,
Dont call my name, Bye Fernando
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Alejandro
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch,

Dont call my name,
Dont call my name, Alejandro
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss don't wanna touch.
Just smoke one Ciggarette and run.
Don't call my name,
Don't call my name,

Ale-ale-jandro) x2

Don't call my name,
Don't call my name, Alejandro.
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just Smoke one Ciggarette and run.
Don't call my name,
Don't call my name, Roberto.

Ale-ale-jandro) x2

joi, 10 iunie 2010

Game over! Try to kill Gutza again? Yes or No

Ce mod mai bun de a incepe ziua decat cu o leapsa mai ciudata?:> Sa-i dam bataie:>
~ Could You Murder Someone?
~ No, I'm too sweet and innocent ^^

~ Have You Ever Showed A Pysco Side?
~Yeah, si mi-a placut xD

~ Name Two People You Trust?
~ Sissi(a.k.a Me) and my BFF

~ Has Karma Ever Visited You?
~ Mda, si am dat-o afara(porecla unei colege e Karma xD)

~ One Person With A Great Heart?
~ Zapa(a.k.a Ony)

~ How Often Are You Responsible For Another Person Having Drama?
~ Nu prea des.

~ Is There Anyone You Would Like To See Get Punched In The Face?
~ Yeah, chiar multi o.o

~Alta leapsa, ca asta a fost cam scurta.~

The President of the United States called you:
I-as zice ca nu imi place sa vorbesc la telefon,
asa ca i-as trimite un mesaj xD

You won the lottery:
M-as muta din Romania.(the asshole of the world:)))

You got invited to be on a reality TV show:
As face o lista cu cele mai funny propozitii^^

You caught a friend stealing from you:
As fura si eu ceva de la el/ea(ochi pentru ochi, dinte pentru dinte:-")

You witnessed a murder: Depinde cine a fost ucis>:)

A random stranger offered you candy:
As zice sa si-o bage undeva xD

MySpace and Facebook closed: As urla: "Stiam. Lasa ca hi5ul rezista."

A genie granted you one wish:
Mi-as dori dorinte infinite(lol, asta a sunat wierd rau)

You lost your favorite possession: As plange T^T

You found 10 dollars on the ground
Mi-as cumpara o pereche de tenisi xD

Your date throws up on you: L-as trage de par(daca are par)

Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: As fi ramas: O.O

Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:
L-as sufoca cu un hug urias>:D<

You were stranded on an island with nothing but
the ability to make one phone call: As suna politia sau CSIul:))

Si acum inchei postarea aceasta minunata
si sclipitoare cu un cuvant.

marți, 8 iunie 2010

Cel mai bun mod de a te prezenta este....

Cu o leapsa! Da, perfect. Hai ca asta o sa fie tare:))
Sissi( just jocking, dar nu vreau sa stie toata lumea)
2.like: chocolate, fun, photography etc.
Single, duh.
Yes, inca unu' in ureche

I don't remember, maybe...2 years ago:D
la gradinita.
Tot la gradinita
Nu-mi amintesc, dar cred ca a fost la mare. xD
Cand mica rauuu, imi placea de un tip de la TV xD

Ce-s cu ele?:))

Nu m-am decis inca:))

Eyes, spun multe:>
Light(nu-mi plac tipii portocalii:)))
Different, dar nu in multe feluri
Trouble maker:))

Nope o.o
Yep T^T

Nu prea
No, that's a bullshit
:)) Yeah, sure*sarcasm*

: Aham...
: Secret:))
:)) IDK
2 days ago :))
Yeah, duh.
"Aveti un apel ratat: blah blah blah"
Era pe Privat o.o
"Naiz pic"
Neva, lol.
Yep. Criminal me:))
Neah, I don't like milk.
Yes xD
Neva', duh.
: Guitar Hero or smth like that